Al Qur'an ul-Kareem - THE HOLY QUR'AN - 10 VOLUMES FOR EASY READING By: M. H. Shakir

Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

Sale price $ 74.95 Regular price $ 89.95

The Holy Qur’an in its entirety, with parallel English and Arabic texts, produced in TEN diary-sized volumes that come in a boxed set. The English translation is accessible, clear and simple, and thus appeals to a wide readership.

Thirty Parts (Juzuu) Size 3.5"x7.5" Now you can read The Qur’an as you commute by bus, train, plane or ship and store it away in your pocket still maintaining its sanctity and for handy retrieval. A ten volume 3 parts (Juzuu) each compact edition of The Qur’an in handsomely bound hardback leather binding published by Muhammadi Trust of UK is available in a neat carrying case. The compact pocket-size ten volumes do not occupy much space and can be carried together in a handbag, attaché or briefcase or in separate volumes for convenient reading and contemplating the message therein in Arabic text and English translation by M.H. Shakir.