AMAZING QURAN STORIEAS (Goodword) for Childrens - By: Saniyasnain Khan

Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

Sale price $ 19.95 Regular price $ 24.95

A Treasury of Stories from the Quran for the very young. These are some of the best-loved tales from the Quran. Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the scriptures. This is storytelling at its best, with the meaning and message expressed in the simplest of words. As well as being easy to understand, these stories are also fun to read and share with others. Colorful, child-friendly illustrations complement the text and bring the stories vividly to life. Titles of the stories:

  1. The Story of Two Gardens
  2. Allah Speaks to the Prophet Musa (AS) 
  3. The Wise Man and the Prophet Musa (AS) 
  4. The Pious Man and His Son 
  5. The Prophet Yusuf (AS) and the King's Dream 
  6. The Prophet Hud (AS) and the Storm 
  7. The Most Patient Man 
  8. The Iron Wall 
  9. The Old Man's Prayer 
  10. Luqman's Advice to His Son 
  11. Uzayr's Donkey 
  12. The Light of Allah