A Commentary on Theistic Arguments - By: Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli

Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

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Translated and edited by: Hassan Allahyari

The book is a compendium of memorable lectures that were delivered by the venerated author during the year 1992 in the Holy city of Qum, in Iran. The beautiful arguments have been offered in the book on the existence of Almighty Allah SWT and his oneness. In doing so inspiration has been seek from the traditions of the Holy Ahlul Bayt A.S. The author also analyses from the perspective of transcendent Wisdom (Hikmatul Muta'alia), arguments that have been put forward for the Divine existence outside the realm of Islamic Intellectual traditions. The book is highly recommended for those who need to have a better understanding of Davinity. P/B Pg. 276