Understanding the Quran for Everyone - (3-Volume Set) By: Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Tabatabai

Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

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Translated by: Dar ul Qur'an-wal Itrah)

"We are in need of a specialized style of teaching Arabic... We should teach Arabic in such a way that students-even those without any background in Arabic grammar - are able to fully understand the meaning of the text they are reading; and this is certainly possible. we actually have these (type of) people who grasp the meaning of a verse when it is read to them, even though if you were to ask them to identify the subject and object of the sentence, they would have no idea. However, they would understand the meaning and even translate it for you." By: Supreme Leader.

Allah has revealed the Holy Quran for the guidance of mankind in the Arabic Language because it is the only language that has the capacity of presenting a deep understanding of divine knowledge.

Although all of mankind is being addressed by the Holy Quran and that its teachings are very clear, evident and coherent, understanding the true meanings of this great Book without knowing the Arabic language is not possible. 

This book is a first step towards realizing the aspiration of those who wish to become familiar with the verses of the Holy Qur'an in the shortest span of time using the simplest of techniques, whilst avoiding all the complicated grammatical rules of language.

"It is hoped that this effort is accepted by the Almighty Allah" - Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi Tabataba'i