Nafasul Mahmoom ( The Sigh of the Grieved ) P/B. by Haj Shaikh Abbas Qummi
Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store
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A complete and combined volumes of the great book, that is comprised of all 2 volumes that might have been published time to time from different places. The book as translated in English (Sigh of the Grieved) covers the tragic event of Karbala right from the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s) and his faithful comrades up to the revenge of Mukhtar ibne Abi Ubaydah Saqafi and the elimination of Ubaidullah Ibne Ziyad. The author in this book has directly quoted the versions of the narrators and has refrained from altering the original texts or furnishing his own opinion regarding a particular report, except in some cases. The remembrance of the tragedy of Karbala, that took place in the year 61 Hijra is a grand legacy passed on to us by the Infallible Imams and eminent scholars. This book is a comprehensive work authored by an eminent traditionalist and forms the basis of reference for contemporary authors, researchers, historians and orators, and is acclaimed by one and all. Ayatullah Al-Uzma saiyyed Ali Khamenei, the spiritual leader in Iran, in one of his speeches on the importance of Ashura mentions “For the mourning of Imam Hussain A.S. open and read the book Nafasul Mahmoom of Mohaddith Qummi, you will witness that it would be a mean of invoking grief for listeners and will give rise to a tempest in the sea of love of Ahlul Bayt A.S P/B pgs 494