Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

Sale price $ 24.95 Regular price $ 30.00

Author: Morteza Agha Tehrani

Hajj has an inherent connection with the humanity of Man, all the more so because in pre-existential time, before the creation of Man, God the Glorious had already envisioned this Divine Journey. "Yes! Here I am, here I am O' My Lord! With absolute zest and andor I am compliant with your Call upon me. Yes! I came to Your Call. And [i do believe] there is no associate for You and likeness with You. I, with exulation and Love answer Your Call. The Praise and (unbounded) Bounties belong to You only. Verily You govern only and there is no one as your associate and of Your similitude. Yes! I came in compliance with Your Call." This is the motif every pilgrim in Hajj recites, collectively or incividually, during his/her spiritual journey.