Trace & Reflect Qur'an: Four Surahs - (Al-Ankabut - Ar-Room - Ad-Dukhan - Al-Qadr) Paperback –

Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Store

سعر البيع $ 9.95 السعر العادي $ 14.95

By: Rizvy Family (Author)

Trace the Holy Quran with this small compact travel size book!

Inside the book, you will find four surahs of the Holy Quran that are highly recommended to be recited on Laylat-ul-Qadr:

1. Al-Ankabut
2. Ar-Room
3. Ad-Dukhan
4. Al-Qadr

Get your, pencils, pens, markers and your Wudu ready for a journey inside this book insh'Allah!

The light of Islam has enlightened and continuing to enlighten every corner in the world and seekers of truth have closely associated to the Holy Quran which carries the Word of Allah (SWT) to humanity. With increasing focus and attention to the Holy Quran, efforts have been done to provide a pure, correct and accurate translation of this divine book. But sometimes it is difficult for the readers to understand all of the apparent and hidden meanings, and it is the duty of every Muslim, man or woman, to read, understand and contemplate on the Holy Quran according to his/her own capacity.

O’ Allah! Surely You have revealed the Qur’an with Truth and with the truth it descended. O’ Allah! Enhance my desire for it and appoint it as a divine light for my eyes; and a healing for my breast; and make the Quran that which removes my grief, sorrow, and worries. O’ Allah! Through the Quran, beautify my tongue (that which I speak), and beautify my face, and strengthen my body, and make my scale of (good) deeds weighty, and grant me the ability to recite it as it should be recited in Your obedience - in the darkness of the night and the ends of the day, and raise me up with Prophet Muhammad and His family members - the chosen, glorified, the purified, by Your mercy. O’ the Most Merciful of those who are able to show mercy.